And the island disappears. In quite possibly one of the coolest Lost moments of season four (sans the smoke monster eating a missionary for lunch), there was a flash, shake, rattle, and the island (and those still on it) was gone.
In an episode that pitted science (Jack) vs. the supernatural (Locke), we learn that at least for now the kooky sci-fi stuff wins. While handling "leadership stuff" on the top deck of the time-traveling and final Dharma station, The Orchid, Locke tells Jack, "This [the island] is the place where miracles happen." "There is no such things as miracles," Jack shoots back. After giving up on convincing Jack, he tells him that he must lie about everything to save those still on the island. "If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you," Locke says as he and Ben drop into the depths of the Orchid. Man, was he right.
After blowing out the back of the time travel machine in the basement of The Orchid, Ben tells Locke that the price to pay for moving the island is that you can never come back. He says adieu and wishes Locke the best as new leader of the Others. "Goodbye John," Ben says. "Sorry I made your life so miserable."
Locke meets up with his new crew, which seems happy to see him, and Ben ventures even deeper into some arctic land, or alien land, for that matter. Once in the Antarctic cove, Ben is little surprised to see a glowing oversized stone wheel. After he begins to move it Ben looks up teary eyed, "Well Jacob, I hope you're happy."
Later, Desmond reunites with Penny (woo!), Jin (presumably) dies when the freighter is blown to smithereens and Locke is (presumably) dead and alone in a coffin three years into the future under the alias Jeremy Bentham. While Jack views the coffin stoned out of his mind on Oxycontin, Ben appears from out of nowhere to let Jack know that he won't get back to the island by hoping to crash on a passenger plane. "All of you need to go back." This includes the dead Locke as well as Jack's beard. Booonnnng.